The average house price on MEADOW WAY is £341,451
The most expensive house in the street is 8 MEADOW WAY with an estimated value of £377,628
The cheapest house in the street is 6 MEADOW WAY with an estimated value of £285,841
The house which was most recently sold was 8 MEADOW WAY, this sold on 6 Jul 2020 for £310,000
The postcode for MEADOW WAY is EX10 0LQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 MEADOW WAY Semi-Detached £371,245 £250,000 26 Mar 2015
2 MEADOW WAY Terraced £311,119 £240,000 19 May 2017
3 MEADOW WAY Terraced £354,959 £207,000 2 Jul 2012
6 MEADOW WAY Terraced £285,841 £200,000 11 Sep 2015
7 MEADOW WAY Terraced £347,916 £212,000 9 Feb 2007
8 MEADOW WAY Semi-Detached £377,628 £310,000 6 Jul 2020